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The Advantages Of Copper Clad Aluminum Wire

Copper Clad Aluminum Wire is a new enameled wire, is composed of aluminum conductor covered with copper materials, maybe self-bonding, also called self-bonding enameled wire. And the short word is ECCA.

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Since CCA entered the US market in 1971, it is considered the most promising material for residential BCBW. The reasons are as follows.

First and foremost, it was safe and affordable. Even though it was slightly more expensive than the cheaper EC grade aluminum building wire, which was on the way out anyway,  Copper Clad Aluminum Wire still offered considerable savings over expensive solid copper.

Second, it was nearly three times lighter than copper diameter per diameter, making hand-toting heavy coils less of a chore, and pulling wire at the job-site a breeze. It was flexible, but yet sufficiently strong to pull through studs.

Third, it was not brittle like solid EC grade aluminum building wire that caused the fires during the 1960s, and peeling the insulation to make connections was no different than with copper wire.

Finally, because of the thick copper cladding covering the surface of the bare conductor, there was no fear of galvanic corrosion nor creep over decades of use in the circuit. The same copper connectors and devices could be used regardless if a contractor installed solid copper or CCA.

Copper Clad Aluminum Wire is available in diameters from 0.025mm to 0.500mm (AWG 50 – 24) with all insulations and self-bonding enamel types. The percentage of copper available are 10% and 15%, where 10% copper cladding is recommended for diameters above 0.100mm (AWG 38) and 15% for diameters below. For applications which require higher tensile strength HTCCA is recommended. Bare wire is available upon request.

In addition, add the following features:

1. Low density allows coil weight reduction
2. Easy soldering due to copper cladding
3. Higher conductivity compared to aluminum

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