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Self-adhesive enameled coil

Inductive sensors have outstanding advantages such as simple structure, fast dynamic response, and easy non-contact measurement. They are especially suitable for acids, alkalis, chlorides, organic solvents, liquid CO2, ammonia, PVC powder, ash, oil and water. Liquid level measurement such as interface is currently widely used in metallurgy, petroleum, chemical, coal, cement, food and other industries.

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1. Features Inductive sensors have the following features:
The structure is simple, the sensor has no movable electrical contacts, so it is reliable and has a long life.
The sensitivity and resolution are high, and the displacement change of 0.01 micron can be measured. The output signal of the sensor is strong, and the voltage sensitivity is generally up to hundreds of millivolts per millimeter of displacement.

2. The linearity and repeatability are relatively good.

Within a certain displacement range (tens of microns to several millimeters), the sensor’s nonlinear error can reach 0.05%~0.1%. At the same time, this sensor can realize long-distance transmission, recording, display and control of information, and it is widely used in industrial automatic control systems. But the downside is that it has the shortcomings of low frequency response and not suitable for fast dynamic measurement and control.
There are many types of inductive sensors, and the common ones are self-inductance, mutual inductance and eddy current.

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