Home » enameled aluminum wire » PT-25 PT-30 2.40mm Aluminum Enameled Transformer Winding Wire

PT-25 PT-30 2.40mm Aluminum Enameled Transformer Winding Wire

PT-25 PT-30 2.40mm Aluminum Enameled Transformer Winding Wire means that the one spool of winding wire is about 25kg or 30kg. Conical magnet wire delivery spool is made of plastic materials, used for below 5kg. The tapered design not only maximizes the winding volume of the spool, but also ensures the smooth winding process. But the 25kg and 30kg aluminum enameled transformer winding wire normally uses the wooden rool. All product data may have slight deviations, and the tolerance values ??are within the range of industry standards. The packaging and transportation process of the tapered magnet wire conveyor spool has the characteristics of high strength, strong impact resistance, and good balance.

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PT-25 PT-30 2.40mm Aluminum Enameled Transformer Winding Wire

Winding rool type Flange diameter(mm) Main body diameter(mm) Internal width(mm) Thickness of flange(mm) Shaft core diameter(mm)
D1 D2 d1 d2 W a h
PT-1 95 105 53 58 100 10 20
PT-2 105 115 60 67 150 10 20
PT-4 124 140 74 86 170 15 26
PT-10 160 180 96 110 200 15 30
PT-15 180 200 96 110 200 15 30
PT-20 210 230 132 150 250 15 30
PT-25 215 230 110 130 250 15 30
PT-60 270 300 150 175 350 25 45
PT-100 300 315 180 200 425 38 100
PT-200 375 400 225 250 530 50 100
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