Home » enameled aluminum wire » Polyimide film insulated aluminium wire

Polyimide film insulated aluminium wire

Standard range of dimensions (Aluminium):
cross-section(mm2) : 5 to 120;
width(mm) : 400 to 2000;
thickness(mm) : 200 to 600;
ratio w/t : < 10;

Rated 4.5/5 based on 249 customer reviews

Conductor material :
? Copper soft or with controlled proof stress;
? Aluminium soft;

Insulation options :
? overlapped up to max. 66% ;
? 1 film;
? 2 layers cross lapped;

? Motors for heavy-duty applications;
? Traction motors;
? Generators;

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Performance comparison of Enameled aluminum wire in china:
The space factors of magnet wires are compared in the right figure. The space factors of enamelled wires are superior to those of other wires for winding, as are their electrical properties. However, more careful examination must be made of the following properties as compared with other wires.