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Performance and use of enameled wire

Enameled wires are widely used in industrial production, household appliances and other industries. The main properties and uses of various enameled wires are as follows: Various machines, communication equipment, meters, relays, small transformers, etc.

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Types of Enameled wire Characteristics Main Application
UEW Solderability Various machines, communication equipment, meters, relays, small transformers, etc.
UEWE Solderability,Good winding linearity Small motors, deflection coils, etc.
PVF Water resistant variable pressure oil, excellent heat and humidity resistance Hydraulic transformer, underwater motor, enclosed motor, etc.
PEW motor, transformer, etc.
PEWN Good winding linearity¡¢Excellent resistance to water motor, transformer, etc.
EIW Excellent heat and humidity resistance Excellent heat resistance H motors, high-voltage transformers, etc.
EIWH Good winding linearity¡¢Excellent heat resistance¡¢Excellent heat and humidity resistance Special motors, high-voltage transformers, power tools, etc.
AIW Excellent heat resistance, Excellent chemical resistance Special motors, aircraft accessories, power tools, etc.
FBWHC Self-adhesive Deflection coil, high voltage transformer, etc.
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