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Methods to reduce DC losses in windings

Reduce the DC losses of the windings:
1. Use conductors with low resistivity to make transformers, generally copper enameled wires are used, and copper-clad aluminum enameled wires or aluminum enameled wires are not used as much as possible.
2. When the area of the transformer window allows, try to use an enameled wire with a larger equivalent cross-sectional area (a single wire should not exceed the penetration depth, which will be analyzed later)
3. Appropriately reduce the number of turns of the winding (will increase the iron loss), use with caution

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Definition of skin effect:
The skin effect, also known as the skin effect, is a phenomenon in which the current density in the edge part is large and the current density in the center part is small in the conductor cross section when the conductor passes through the alternating current.

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More application

Low-voltage transformers below 600V become low voltage transformer. A low-voltage transformer is a device that is composed of a primary coil, a secondary coil, and an iron core (magnetic core), and changes the voltage through electromagnetic induction. In electrical equipment and wireless circuits, it is often used for voltage rise and fall, impedance matching, and safety isolation. The main functions of the transformer are: voltage transformation; current transformation, impedance transformation; isolation; voltage stabilization (magnetic saturation transformer) and so on.