Home » magnet wire » Dry-type transformer Fiberglass Silk covered Aluminium wire

Dry-type transformer Fiberglass Silk covered Aluminium wire

Transformer insulation wire is usually circular. Silk covered wire, also known as cotton covered wire, it is a thread or yarn on copper coated insulation materials, such as to increase the mechanical strength and dielectric strength of the wire.

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The features and usage of common insulated wires:

Model Name Main Features Useage
Oil-immsersed Enameled Round
aluminum wire
Poor insulation mechanical strength. Apply to the requirements of transformer,
inductance coil winding and instrument,
is great for small motor windings.
High strength polyvinyl acetal
enameled round aluminum wire
High insulation mechanical strength,
good electrical properties.
Apply to the transformer, inductance coil,
and meters and motor winding;
High strength polyester enameled
round aluminum wire
High mechanical strength between
Insulation layer, good resistance to
solvent properties,can work under
130¡¯c temperature.
Apply to the transformer, inductance coil,
instruments and meters and medium
and small motor winding;
High temperature resistance polyimide
film enameled round aluminum wire
With heat resistance, oil resistance,
corrosion resistance, solvent resistance,
radiation resistance and other
Suitable for heat-resistant electrical
and instrument
winding under 200 temperature.
Single-silk covered enameled round
aluminum wire
Have good mechanical strength, dielectric
properties, chemical stability and wave
Suitable for heat-resistant electrical
and instrument
winding under 200 temperature.
Double fiberglass layer round
aluminum wire
High temperature resistant level, has the
good electrical and mechanical
Suitable for working temperature
between -60C and +150C.
Single-fiberglass High strength enameled
round aluminum wire
With good mechanical and electrical
Suitable for working temperature
between -60C and
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