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Aluminum core magnet wire

Aluminum core magnet wire can be classified according to its basic composition, conductive core and electrical insulation layer. Usually according to the insulating material and manufacturing method used in the electrical insulation layer, it is divided into aluminum core enameled wire, aluminum core wound wire, aluminum core enameled wire and inorganic insulated wire.

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The aluminum core magnet wire, as its name implies, refers to the magnet wire with aluminum as the core. The magnet wire is used to make the insulated wire of the coil or winding in the electrical products. Also called winding wire. Magnet wires must meet the requirements of a variety of uses and manufacturing processes. The former includes its shape, specification, ability to work at high temperatures for short and long periods of time, as well as withstanding strong vibration and centrifugal force at high speeds in some occasions, resistance to corona and breakdown under high voltage, and resistance to chemicals in special atmospheres Corrosion, etc.; the latter includes requirements for stretching, bending and abrasion during winding and embedding, as well as swelling and erosion during dipping and drying.

Enameled wire of aluminum core magnet wire: coated with corresponding lacquer solution on the outside of the conductor, and then made by solvent volatilization and solidification and cooling of the lacquer film. Enameled wire can be divided into polyester enameled wire, polyesterimide enameled wire, polyamideimide enameled wire, polyimide enameled wire, polyesterimide/polyamideimide enameled wire, corona resistant enameled wire, and oily enameled wire according to the insulating varnish used. Lacquer, acetal paint, polyurethane enameled wire, etc. Sometimes it is also classified according to the particularity of its use, such as self-adhesive enameled wire, refrigerant-resistant enameled wire, etc.

The earliest magnet wire enameled wire is oily enameled wire, made of tung oil. The paint film has poor abrasion resistance and cannot be directly used to make motor coils and windings. It needs to be covered with cotton yarn when used. Later, polyvinyl formal enameled wire came out, and its mechanical properties were greatly improved. It can be directly used in motor windings and is called high-strength enameled wire.

With the development of weak current technology, self-adhesive enameled wires have appeared, which can obtain coils with better integrity without dipping and baking. But its mechanical strength is poor, and it can only be used in micro motors and small motors. In addition, in order to avoid the trouble of first removing the paint film during soldering, direct soldering enameled wire has been developed. The paint film can fall off in the high-temperature tin enamel tank to make the copper wire easy to solder.

Magnet wire winding wire: an important variety in winding wire. In the early days, cotton yarn and silk, called yarn covered wire and silk covered wire, were used in motors and electrical appliances. Due to the large insulation thickness and low heat resistance, most of them have been replaced by enameled wires. At present, it is only used as a high-frequency winding wire. In the large and medium-sized winding wires, when the heat resistance level is higher and the mechanical strength is higher, glass fiber covered wires are also used, and appropriate adhesive paint is used in the manufacture.

Paper-covered wire still occupies a considerable position in the wrapped wire, which is mainly used in oil-immersed transformers. The oil-paper insulation formed at this time has excellent dielectric properties, is low in price, and has a long life. In recent years, the rapid development is the film wrapping wire, mainly polyester film and polyimide film wrapping wire. Recently, there is also a mica tape-coated polyesterimide film-coated rectangular copper wire used for wind power generation.

Inorganic insulated wire of aluminum core magnet wire: When the heat resistance level exceeds the limit of organic material, it is usually coated with inorganic insulating varnish. The existing inorganic insulated wires can be further divided into glass film wires, oxide film wires and ceramic wires. There are also combination wires and transposition wires.

As the enameled wire of aluminum core magnet wire is widely used and the requirements are becoming stricter, composite enameled wire has also been developed. The inner and outer paint films are composed of different polymer materials, such as polyesterimide/polyamideimide enameled wire. Therefore, aluminum core magnet wires are increasingly used in various related industries, and the industrial status of aluminum core magnet wires is irreplaceable.

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