Home » News » Altech reports promising results for feasibility study of alumina coating plant in germany

Altech reports promising results for feasibility study of alumina coating plant in germany

Australian innovator Altech Chemicals Ltd. released promising results from its Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS) of a 10 thousand metric tons per annum silicon/graphite alumina coating plant in Saxony, Germany this week, predicting a rate of return of 40 percent for the project.

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Per the firm, the plant, which would produce the proprietary high-capacity silicon/graphite battery anode materials Silumina Anodes, would consist of an up-front investment of US$95 million. The projected net present value of the plant would be US$507 million, generating US$63 million per year when underway.


Altech’s PFS forecasts an internal rate of return of 40 percent on the project, making back its entire capital investment in just over three years. Upon reaching nameplate capacity, the PFS found an annual revenue at the site of US$185 million.

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